New Twists on Christmas Traditions


Holiday traditions form the foundation from which memories are made. Some families are more into the gatherings and the family time, while others spend exorbitant amounts of money making sure they buy the best gift possible for everyone on their list. Doing the same things year after year can be boring. Eliminate the normal gifts that go unused or are often tossed aside after the holidays. Choose gifts that show you care and have a personal touch for some fun ideas visit Real Simple!

Xmas Traditions-Gift Ideas

Flower Arrangements

Floral and food arrangements are gaining popularity. Giving a distinct holiday flower arrangement can add color and style to any room. Order artistically arranged flowers with a new and non-traditional look, for those who aren’t overly fond of flower arrangements. Potted plants live long past the holiday season and can be enjoyed all year long. If plants or flowers are not an option, look into other types of arrangements.

Xmas Traditions-Flowers

Everybody loves gourmet goody baskets, and as a bonus they are shareable and timely gifts for the holidays. There are so many options to choose from all of which can be conveniently ordered online. Consider baskets, towers of fruit, candies, caviar, heirloom seasonal vegetables, meats or breads. Or for the gift that keeps on giving a monthly club that offers a new delivery every month is always fun.



Check Pinterest for creative ideas on how to give old traditions a new look and feel. Use the ideas you find to create unique, one of a kind ornaments that can be personalized. Read through some of our holiday recipes. Find ones for family favorites and spice them up using your own unique flair. Explore options, use different materials and, if you’re changing up a family recipe, try a new spice or add a few new ingredients. Look to Pinterest for unique decorating ideas that will compliment your existing holiday traditions.

Xmas Traditions-Pinterest

Gifts Without Boundaries

Look for gifts that have no boundaries instead of giving material things that will end up sitting in a box or end up in the basement. Buy your spouse or partner a gym membership, hire a personal trainer or book a series of massages. Buy tickets to a cruise or mini vacation for couples who are going through their first Christmas as empty nesters. Offer to babysit for new parents who want to take a break and have a date night.

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Capture the Moment

Talk to local photographers and find out what family portraits are offered. Buy a package for parents with a newborn or a couple who will be spending their first Christmas together. Gather as many family members as possible and have a family photo shoot. The picture can be enlarged and given to parents and grandparents as a surprise Christmas gift.

Photographers are very versatile when it comes to the size and type of packages they offer. They will also go to great lengths to help you come up with just the right picture to capture that special moment. Take pictures of children when they are small. They grow way too fast and special moments can be lost. Provide family members with the opportunity to capture their memories one moment at a time.

When I was growing up my brothers and I shared a photography session every year. As children we weren’t excited about it but now as adults we have these beautiful pictures of our childhood to share with our families.

Xmas Traditions-Family Pics