Limoncello from Amalfi

During our trip to the Amalfi Coast this year we were so impressed with the lemons. Although available in all sizes, the large was more like HUGE! It was hard to comprehend that a lemon could grow that big. The huge lemons along the coast are sliced and served with salt and a drizzle of olive oil. We thought of the many ways we could smuggle a few back, but finally agreed it wasn’t our best idea. Instead we thought we would share a very old and traditional Limoncello recipe with you. The trick here is to use the best, ripe, organic lemons you can find and 90 proof grain alcohol or vodka would work as well. Smell the lemons if the rind is fragrant, your Limoncello will be delicious!



Limoncello from Amalfi

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  • Zest of 78 large fresh, organic lemons (if the lemons are smaller use 10)
  • 1 liter or quart of pure grain alcohol or vodka
  • 1250 ml or 5 cups of water
  • 700 gr or 3 cups of sugar


  1. Using a vegetable peeler, remove the zest from the lemons and place them in a large glass jar. A jar with a hermetic seal works well. Try to avoid the pith of the lemon skin.
  2. Add the alcohol to the jar, containing the zest.
  3. Seal or cover the glass jar with cellophane and store it in a cool place for 7 days.
  4. On the sixth day, boil the water and add the sugar to the boiling water, stir the sugar until it is fully dissolved.
  5. Set the simple syrup aside and let it cool overnight.
  6. On the seventh day, strain the lemon peels from the alcohol and discard the peels.
  7. Pour the simple syrup into the glass jar with the alcohol and stir well.
  8. Serve very cold from the fridge or freezer.


Inspired by | Mamma Agata & Chef Richard Titi

This limoncello will keep for 1-2 years, stored in bottles with a cap or cork and chilled when ready to serve.